
Daycare Policy

NHES is able to offer government funded daycare services to its families, something we are very proud of as a small school. We offer morning daycare from 7:30am to 8:00am and after school daycare from 2:45pm to 5:30pm.  Parents/guardians are able to register their child(ren) for full time daycare (1 or more days/week) and sporadic (where the child comes only when needed). During this afternoon period, children have time to have a snack, get help with homework and socialize with their peers. 

We are also able to offer daycare services to any child in the school on pedagogical days if we have the numbers. We pride ourselves in offering a warm, safe and inviting environment for your children and we look forward to seeing as many as possible this coming school year! Feel free to consult our daycare policy or contact us for the most up to date information.    

Maryse Richard - Daycare Technician

Daycare Policy

Meet the team



Georgia Angelopoulos
